So many things and so many people are divided. The very core values of our country and our leadership have come into question. If one’s opinion is not the other’s opinion, then they are wrong—even if it’s just an opinion. What’s the expression—opinions are like assholes: everybody ‘s got one? So would you pull down your pants and spread your cheeks and declare “I have the best asshole! Look at it. It’s perfect. It’s totally correct in every way. You cannot possibly think any different. If you do, you are an idiot.” ? I just don’t think so. There’s no respect. People talking over each other, not even listening to what the other has to say, not even when they are agreement with them. It’s sad, and it’s a dark disease that Is eating away at our pleasure in living free in this country. I worry that a subculture of hate and disregard for ourselves as basic human beings, with differences that we can love and appreciate has blurred the lines between one side’s opinion of what’s right and wrong vs the other side’s. And there is so much anger, so much volatility. It’s like a War. And I lay at least the roots of it, at the foot of 24/7 News. The Free Press is part of our Bill of Rights, our freedoms. Their analysts have become what some people feel is the truth. It’s not. They are just there to fill up the 24 hrs. Sure they can all make their points. But I just wish, those that are watching will just see them for what they are. They are just showing us their assholes, like everyone else with an opinion. Which Thank God, we can still do, because we live in this democracy. All of us assholes do.